Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals

Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals

deliery time
Production: 24 hour*
Production time is 24hrs if the artwork is approved by 6 pm AEST on a working day.
The production timeline starts after proof approval. Based on volume and product complexity, each order has a different length of production time.
Shipping: $14.95*
*From $14.95 per order delivery Australia wide
*Added shipping charges for remote areas.
*Longer shipping times on bulky items.
*Longer shipping times to remote/regional areas
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Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals

Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals

Price Starting from inc GST
deliery time
Production: 24 hour*
Production time is 24hrs if the artwork is approved by 6 pm AEST on a working day.
The production timeline starts after proof approval. Based on volume and product complexity, each order has a different length of production time.
Shipping: $14.95*
*From $14.95 per order delivery Australia wide
*Added shipping charges for remote areas.
*Longer shipping times on bulky items.
*Longer shipping times to remote/regional areas
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Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals

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About Our Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals

Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals - FAQ's

FAQs related to Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals

Our floor graphics are printed on a high quality self adhesive vinyl. These are then laminated with slip rated or anti slip floor graphics laminate so they can be used in heavy traffic areas.
Yes, our floor stickers are laminated with a slip rated laminated. This allows this graphics to be safe as well as increase the life of the floor graphics by many many months.
No, we currently only offer circular floor graphics. However, our floor graphics are available in various diameters to suit different installation sites.
Our floor graphics are intended for interior use only. Mainly designed to be applied on to almost all smooth surfaces such as tiles, concrete, laminate floors and hardwood floor.
Assuming the decals are placed and used only for interior use, they can last for as long as 3-5 years with proper care and maintenance. However, we typically recommend replacing the graphics from the floor within a year of installation.
No, our high quality laminate will protect the ink adhesion on the floor stickers. They are not prone to fading at all.
Custom floor decals have a wide variety of uses depending on the industry. In most cases they are used to promote in store sales, wayfinding signage, social distancing messages and many other forms of advertising and informative signages.
Generally our floor graphics do not leave any residue behind. Incase they do leave any residue behind the surface can easily be cleaned with any surface cleaner.

Our process is simple!

Select your products

1. Select your products

Visit our website and choose your display product.

Place your order

2. Place your order

Place your order online / phone.
No payment is required at time of placing an order.

Artwork Design

3. Artwork Design

You have two main options:
1. Upload your Print-Ready file
2. Let us design one for you


4. Processing

Our team member will be in touch with you to discuss the order further.


5. Proofing

Our designers will email you a digital proof for approval prior to production.


6. Production

Once your artwork is approved, your job is pushed into production.


7. Payment

We will email you a tax invoice requesting full payment ahead of the production of your order.


8. Completion

Once the order is dispatched, we will email you a tracking number confirming the dispatch.


Floor Sign Stickers | Floor Decals - Template downloads

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