How to Care for Your Custom Table Throws

Table throws can be excellent promotional tools for different events, without a doubt. They are an excellent investment for businesses, and you can use them for a long time with little care. Proper care is essential to make them last as long as possible. Careful washing and storing also ensures that you can use your table throws for multiple events without losing their appeal.
That said, not many people know how to care for custom table throws appropriately. Luckily for you, we have all the care instructions that you need to keep your table cloth in top-notch condition.
How to Wash Tablecloths
Many people aren’t sure how to wash tablecloths to remain in mint condition for long. Washing becomes more difficult when you have a logo printed on your table throw. Here are some step-by-step instructions for how you can safely wash your table throw:
Shake out your custom table throw when you take it off the table.
Use warm water and mild detergent to wash your table throw on a gentle cycle.
You can use the gentle permanent-press cycle of your machine to rinse the table throw. This will also prevent any wrinkles during the wash.
Now tumble dry your table throw on a low heat setting. If your dryer has a cool-down cycle, you can use that too.
Take the table throw out of the dryer immediately after the drying cycle ends.
Fold the table throw as soon as it is scorched.
How to Fold Table Throws
Once you have washed and dried your table throw, you need to fold it carefully. It would help if you remembered that folding sometimes creates creases on the fabric. This takes away from the professional appeal of your table throw. Here is how to fold table throws properly:
Bring the long back edge of the table cloth to the front edge and fold it. Next, do the same with other opposite ends.
Fold the table throw half length-wise and then half width-wise.
Fold in half again so that you have a square shape.
Smooth out any wrinkles as you fold. Make sure to fold it smoothly to prevent creases as much as possible.
How to Store Table Throws
Storing your custom table throws appropriately enables you to maximise their use for a long time. Ensure you have washed, dried, and folded your table throws appropriately before putting them away. Here are some tips for storing your table throws to prevent wrinkles, stains, and discolouration:
Wash, dry and fold your table throw as per the above instructions.
Hang your table, throw on a padded hanger, and then hang it in a cool and dry place.
Please keep it away from access moisture, which can damage the fabric and cause discolouration.
Cover the hanger with a cotton sheet instead of a plastic bag to keep it safe from environmental factors.
Careful washing, folding, and storing can prevent creases on the fabric of the table throw. Despite your best care, wrinkles can still come up sometimes washing, and drying hasn’t made your table throw wrinkle-free; mist the fabric lightly with a spraying bottle and iron the material on the lowest setting.
With these tips for table throws care, your custom table cloth should be ready for your next display.