Everything You Need to Know About Wall Murals

When people discuss printed ads, wall murals are usually not discussed. That’s because most people are unaware of how effective a well-designed wall mural decal can be to attract business. Here are some facts that prove how versatile they are and why more businesses are going for them today rather than print ads:

They Are Great For Small Businesses

‘What is a wall mural’ is a popular search term for small business owners and for good reason. The main reason is that they can see it paying for itself in the long run because of the striking impact it has on customers. In other words, it makes them pause and take notice, which translates to more hours frequenting the establishment that has it.

These murals have great recall power because the sky is the limit in terms of the designs you can get. Smart business owners that are just starting out know this and capitalize on it by making sure the design incorporates their brand vision. If they are done well, the artwork can become a landmark of the community, which is only good for business.

They Are Versatile

The best thing about a wall mural decal is that it can be used by a range of industries. They can be installed in a dentist’s office, the mall, in a restaurant, retail stores, schools, a grocery store and any drab space that needs an uplift.

Unlike wallpaper, murals are designed on Photoshop so you can take any design and artwork and incorporate it in there. The more creative and expressive the design, the more impact it has.

They Can Transform any Space

A fresh coat of paint can be an expensive endeavour and one that a small business owner may not be able to afford. Plus, the shade you choose might not come out as you envisioned. The design and artwork for wall murals are designed on a PC first, keeping the size and dimensions of the wall it is to be incorporated in mind.

That is why they can blend in seamlessly in any decor, irrespective of the size of the space it is used for. With the right design, they can transform the ambience of a room completely. For a business that experiences a lot of foot traffic, this can prove invaluable.

Vivid has been designing and installing custom wall murals for a range of businesses in Australia since 2006. We are proud to reveal that we have worked with over 26,500 companies, including prestigious brands. Get in touch with us for a quote today! We will be happy to answer ‘what is wall mural’ with details you can appreciate.

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