DIY Window Graphics Installation

If you’re a fan of getting a rear window graphic on your car, you’ve come to the right place. Although these don’t look as hard to install, they’re kind of tricky and if you’re not careful enough, you could end up with a wrinkly graphic that just looks bad instead of cool.

Window graphics are not only in the form of decorations that you get for your car, they’re also for windows in your store, at your workplace or even at children’s schools. They’re a great way of advertising by putting your message out there while also keeping an aesthetic approach.

They’re not as in-your-face as other kinds of advertising because people actually like stopping to look at them. Here’s how you can install a one way window film by yourself.

Clean the Surface

This goes without saying. You can’t apply any kinds of stickers to a surface if that surface is dirty. This is because the sticker won’t adhere properly to the surface and will start to peel off in no time. To ensure that you do a high-quality job on your window graphics installation, you need to make sure it’s on a smooth, clean surface.

Make the Adhesive

There are different ways of pasting a rear window graphic, out of which one is the wet method. In this method, you have to make a solution that will help the stick stay on. Add soapy water into a spray bottle and mix it with about 1L of water. There should be around 1-2 drops of soap in the mixture.

You also need to find a squeegee to properly fix the sticker into place. You could go for something like an old card or actually buy a real squeegee from the store.

Figure Out Where You Want the Graphic

If you don’t place your one way window film in the right position, you could end up with a disaster instead of whatever you were aiming for. Use tape measure to make sure it’s aligned and exactly where you want to attach it.

Use a huge piece of tape to attach the graphic to the window, but keep it hanging enough that you can still apply the adhesive underneath. This tape is only to make sure that the graphic doesn’t move around when you’re applying the solution on it.

Start the Application

The last few steps include carefully removing the bottom sticker layer from under the graphic, but stay careful not to let the sticky side touch your hands. It won’t come off and the graphic will be ruined.

Spray the adhesive on the surface where you’ve decided to attach the graphic. Also spray onto the sticky side of the graphic. Gently start placing the graphic on the area that you’ve just sprayed and let it settle on top of the layer of solution.

Use the squeegee to squeeze out the excess moisture from under the sticker. Begin from the centre and work your way up and then down the graphic. By this point you’ll notice that the graphic has settled into its place.

Final Touches

Remove the tape that you were using to keep the graphic in its place and leave it to dry. Start peeling the tape from the side that’s attached to the graphic and don’t be in a rush to peel it off to fast—you’ll end up ruining the sticker.

Once it’s dried and staying in place, you’re good to go!

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